Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Death of Julius Caesar

During the ancient Rome in 44 B.C, Rome was one of the empire stretching from the Great Britain to the Spain.  As the empire became stronger, Rome had suffered from a constant infighting between military leaders and the Rome’s senator.  The Rome Empire suffered from a collision from the citizen which represent by the senate and the underrepresented working –class people. The ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar is inspired by his people, but it is more than Caesar achieved the status. The people who had vote for the democratic rule afraid that Caesar might overuse the power would lead him to slavery of his people. A group of conspirators which his step sons are in it, working together to assassinate Caesar. Before the giving a speech to his citizen, 13 senator including his step son stab him continuously and Brutus, his step son take away Caesar last breath by giving the last stab of his life. Before he about to die, he cover up his face. 

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