Thursday, April 19, 2012

Plato's Myth of The Cave; The Lion King

Mufasa, father of Simba, warned his son to not go beyond the Pride Land as it is far too dangerous. But, Simba's uncle, Scar eager him to go to the Elephant Graveyard. Later that day, Simba persuade Nala to come with him to the Elephant Graveyard. When they reached the graveyard, both of the cub were attacked by a pack of hyena Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, was friends of Scar before they were rescued by Mufasa. 

In a Plot to get the throne and to kill Mufasa, Scar order the hyenas to stampede a large pack of wildebeest to a place where Simba is located. Mufasa came at the right time to save his son. But unlucky for him, he could not save himself for Scar have betrayed him for letting go of his paws when Mufasa was hanging in the Canyon's wall. 

After the incident, Simba run away from home. He was exhausted and collapse but lucky for him, Timon and Pumba and take him to an oasis. By the motto of "Hakuna Matata" it means no worries, Timon and Pumba take care of him till he become a great big lion. After awhile, by accident Nala found him. She try to get Simba to come back to the Pride Land and take down Scar but he refused. Not after he met and old baboon, Rafiki who help Simba to the right path. 

He returned to the Prime Rock and confront Scar. Scar was backed up by a pack of hyena but they are outnumbered by the lioness. At some point, Simba and Scar are battling and Scar stunned him because he said that he killed Mufasa. Furiously Simba get back up and attacked Scar with no mercy. When Simba won the duel, Simba ordered Scar to never step his paws on the Pride land, Scar said that was the hyenas plan to get rid of Mufasa. Simba throw him at the pack of hyena as they heard what Scar said about them. Scar was killed by the hyenas 


if you refer to Wikipedia, it says that syllogism also known as conclusion. but from what i know, it is how the Roman used to speak. for example : - 


" Caesar was an ambitious man;No ambitious man shares their wealth with others;Caesar shared spoil of wars with the Roman citizen;Therefore, Caesar was not ambitious" 


Movie Screening : Pursuit of Happyness

A story about a man who struggle his way to survive each day of his life without any money in his pocket and try to feed and give a shelter for his son. in many ways and place he had to go and to sleep just to make sure he and his can survive each day without any threat with would take his son away.


From what I've learnt, Satire/Parody; the use of wit, especially irony, sarcasm and ridicule to criticize a particular subject as depicted in the literally word, play or film. it means that, satire included everything and being express in various ways.

Example of Harry Potter parody



Example of Irony

is used to express the opposite of a particular subject of the literal meaning a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea. as from what i have learnt, Irony is a consistency between what might be expected to happen and what actually happens. Especially, when this differences seems absurd or laughable. it means that, irony is something that we are try to do and what we really gonna do.

Euphemistic & Dysphemistic Language

Euphemistic as what is says in the Reading book for CL, a milder or more positive expression used to replace a negative or unpleasant. it means that, we change a particular word to be more pleasant to the human ear.  for example we change the word "stupid" to "mentally challenge" or "fat" to "overweight"  

Dysphemistic; replacing a neutral or positive expression with a negative unpleasant one. it is the opposite of Euphemistic. Change a particular harsh word to a very irritating one. For example you change the "black people" to "negro" or "prostitute" to "whore" or "bitch". 

Critical Thinking

A decision making process that carefully considering a problem, claim, situation or question. Critical Thinking will take time to come out with a very good outcome, we need to apply all the aspect that related to a particular issue, evaluate the evidence and try to imagining yourself different type of scenarios, then you will get a most acceptable outcome. We think critically most of the time , it can be use in all kind of situation. it is so important, it can help you determine:

- to solve a problem

- accept or reject a claim

- answer a question

- handle a situation 

to sum it all, critical thinking is important as it bring out the best of everything when you think carefully... it helps to make a wiser and clear decision. 

Steven Paul Jobs

A businessman, co –founder, chairman and the CEO of Apple inc. Born on February 24, 1955 and died on October 5, 2011, Steven Paul Jobs was the world-class inventor. His number one product, iPhone, iPad and iPod are being used all over the world. In the late 1970’s he and his friend Steve Wozniak was just a garage team-up who create the best computer. Despite the well-known status, Jobs just another person who hunger for self-need; he never finish his college, he got fired from his company. He did try to apologize but it takes time for the broad of Apple Inc to take him but. Meanwhile, he starts up a company name Pixar, an animated film company that have created the first ever computerized animation movie, Toy Story. After awhile, Jobs change. He became more temperamental. He keeps on firing his employees, drove them nuts, he even asked his employees to work late at night. He just wanted to create the best invention the world, because of that, Apple have become the most popular brand to the gadget geeks and it rise up the name of Apple in the silicon world. 


The Death of Julius Caesar

During the ancient Rome in 44 B.C, Rome was one of the empire stretching from the Great Britain to the Spain.  As the empire became stronger, Rome had suffered from a constant infighting between military leaders and the Rome’s senator.  The Rome Empire suffered from a collision from the citizen which represent by the senate and the underrepresented working –class people. The ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar is inspired by his people, but it is more than Caesar achieved the status. The people who had vote for the democratic rule afraid that Caesar might overuse the power would lead him to slavery of his people. A group of conspirators which his step sons are in it, working together to assassinate Caesar. Before the giving a speech to his citizen, 13 senator including his step son stab him continuously and Brutus, his step son take away Caesar last breath by giving the last stab of his life. Before he about to die, he cover up his face. 

Movie Screening : The Pianist

a biographical war film directed by Roman Polanski, starring Adrien Brody. It is an adaptation of the autobiography of the same name by Jewish-Polish musician Władysław Szpilman. The film is a co-production between Poland, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
Władysław Szpilman (Adrien Brody), a famous Polish Jewish pianist working for Warsaw Radio, sees his whole world collapse with the Invasion of Polandon 1 September 1939 and the subsequent outbreak of World War II. After the radio station is rocked by explosions from German bombing, Szpilman goes home and learns that Britain and France have declared war on Nazi Germany. He and his family rejoice, believing the war will end quickly.When the German Army enters Warsaw, living conditions for the Jewish population gradually deteriorate as their rights are slowly eroded: first they are allowed only a limited amount of money per family, then they must wear armbands imprinted with the blue Star of David to identify themselves, and eventually, in November 1940, they are all forced into the squalid Warsaw Ghetto. There, they face hunger, persecution and humiliation from the SS and the ever-present fear of death, torture and starvation. The Nazis become increasingly sadistic and the family witnesses many horrors inflicted on other Jews. In one scene, a group of Einsatzgruppen, led by an NCO, go into the apartment across from the Szpilmans. They order the family on the top floor to stand, then when an elderly man in a wheelchair is unable to comply, the SS throw him off the balcony. The rest of the family are then taken out into the street and shot, and the SS drive off, running over the bodies along the way.Before long, the family, along with thousands of others, are rounded up as part of Operation Reinhard for deportation to the extermination facility atTreblinka. As the Jews are being forced onto rail cars, Szpilman is saved at the last moment by one of the Jewish Ghetto Police, who happens to be a family friend. Separated from his family and loved ones, Szpilman manages to survive. At first he is pressed into a German reconstruction unit inside the ghetto as a slave labourer. During this period, another Jewish labourer confides to Szpilman two critical pieces of information: one, that many Jews who still survive know of the German plans to exterminate them, and two, that a Jewish uprising against the Germans is being actively prepared for. Szpilman volunteers his help for the plan. He is enlisted to help smuggle weapons into the ghetto, almost being caught at one point.Later, before the uprising starts, Szpilman decides to go into hiding outside the ghetto, relying on the help of non-Jews who still remember him such asAndrzej Bogucki and his wife Janina Bogucki. While living in hiding, he witnesses many horrors committed by the SS, such as widespread killing, beating and burning of Jews and others (the burning is mostly shown during the two Warsaw uprisings). In 1943, Szpilman also finally witnesses the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising he helped to bring about, and its aftermath as the SS forcibly enters the ghetto and kills nearly all the remaining insurgents. A year goes by and life in Warsaw further deteriorates. Szpilman is forced to flee his first hiding place after a German neighbor discovers he is hiding there. In his second hiding place, near a German military hospital, he is shown into a room with a piano and then told to be as quiet as possible. Here, he nearly dies from jaundice and malnutrition.In August 1944, the Polish resistance mounts the Warsaw Uprising against the German occupation. Szpilman witnesses the Polish insurgents fighting the Germans outside his window. Again, Szpilman narrowly escapes death when a German tank shells the apartment he is hiding in. Warsaw is virtually razed and depopulated as a result of the fighting (see Aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising). After the surviving Warsaw population is deported from the ruins and the German SS escape from the approaching Soviet Army, Szpilman is left entirely alone. In buildings still standing, he searches desperately for food. While trying to open a can of Polish pickles, Szpilman is discovered by a captain of the Wehrmacht, Wilm Hosenfeld (Thomas Kretschmann). Upon questioning Szpilman and discovering that he is a pianist, Hosenfeld asks Szpilman to play something for him on the grand piano that happens to be in the building. The decrepit Szpilman, still a musical genius, plays "Ballade in G-Minor, Op. 23" by Frederic Chopin, moving Hosenfeld to spare Szpilman.Hosenfeld lets Szpilman continue hiding in the attic of the building and even brings him food regularly, thus saving his life. Another few weeks go by, and the German troops are forced to withdraw from Warsaw due to the advance of Red Army troops. Before leaving the area, Hosenfeld asks Szpilman what his name is, and, upon hearing it, remarks that it is apt for a pianist (Szpilman being the Polish rendering of the German Spielmann, meaning "man who plays"). Hosenfeld also promises to listen for Szpilman on Polish Radio. He gives Szpilman his Wehrmacht uniform greatcoat and leaves. Later, that coat is almost fatal for Szpilman when Polish troops, liberating the ruins of Warsaw, take him for a German officer and shoot at him. He is eventually able to convince them that he is Polish, and they stop shooting. One soldier asks him why he is wearing a Wehrmacht coat, to which Szpilman replies simply, "I'm cold."As newly freed prisoners of a concentration camp pass a fenced-in enclosure of German prisoners of war sitting on the ground and guarded by Soviet soldiers, they start collectively verbally abusing the prisoners, with one angry pol that he used to be a violinist, now without his precious violin. A visibly beaten Hosenfeld, a shadow of his former once proud demeanor, comes up to the fence and asks the violinist if he is familiar with Szpilman, a Polish radio pianist, which the violinist confirms. Hosenfeld states that he helped him in hiding and asks if Szpilmann can return the favor. Szpilman, now playing live on Warsaw Radio, is visited by the violinist in the studio, who takes him to the site with all the prisoners having been removed along with any trace of the stockade. In the film's final scene, Szpilman triumphantly performs Chopin's Grand Polonaise brillante in E flat major to a large audience. Notes at the end of the film indicate that Hosenfeld died in a Russian prisoner-of-war camp in 1952 and Chopin's music plays on through the credits.

Mr. Bean

Rowan Sebastian Atkinson (born 6 January 1955) is a British actor, comedian, and screenwriter. He is moAst famous for his work on the satirical sketch comedy show Not The Nine O'Clock News, and the sitcoms Blackadder, Mr. Bean and The Thin Blue Line. He has been listed in The Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy, and amongst the top 50 comedians ever in a 2005 poll of fellow comedians. He has also had cinematic success with his performances in the Mr. Bean movie adaptations Bean and Mr. Bean's Holiday and in Johnny English and its sequel Johnny English Reborn. He also starred in the film Never Say Never Again (a spy film based on the James Bond novel Thunderball) in 1983.


The word comes from ancient Greek "I have found it", which is the 1st person singular perfect indicative active of the verb heuriskō "I find". The reconstructed Ancient Greek pronunciation is [hěu̯rɛːka], while the Modern Greek pronunciation is [ˈevrika].The accent of the English word is on the second syllable, following Latin accent rules, which require that a penult (next-to-last syllable) must be accented if it has a long vowel. In the Greek pronunciation, the first syllable has a high pitch accent, because the Ancient Greek rules of accent do not force accent to the penult unless the ultima (last syllable) has a long vowel. The long vowels in the first two syllables would sound like a double stress to English ears (as in the phrase Maltese cat).The initial /h/ is dropped in some European languages, including English, but preserved in others, such as Finnish and German: Heureka

The Human Brain

Human or Homo sapiens are gifted with high develop brain. It is capable of creating reason, language and also problem solving. The human brain is an advance mechanismsthat make them (human) are the greatest living creature in Earth.

the human brain are divided into two section:
- Left  Brain Hemisphere 
- Right Brain Hemisphere
from what i learn and what i heard, the left brain is about logic (our way of thinking)and the right brain is about empathize (how do we feel about certain subject)