Thursday, April 19, 2012

Plato's Myth of The Cave; The Lion King

Mufasa, father of Simba, warned his son to not go beyond the Pride Land as it is far too dangerous. But, Simba's uncle, Scar eager him to go to the Elephant Graveyard. Later that day, Simba persuade Nala to come with him to the Elephant Graveyard. When they reached the graveyard, both of the cub were attacked by a pack of hyena Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, was friends of Scar before they were rescued by Mufasa. 

In a Plot to get the throne and to kill Mufasa, Scar order the hyenas to stampede a large pack of wildebeest to a place where Simba is located. Mufasa came at the right time to save his son. But unlucky for him, he could not save himself for Scar have betrayed him for letting go of his paws when Mufasa was hanging in the Canyon's wall. 

After the incident, Simba run away from home. He was exhausted and collapse but lucky for him, Timon and Pumba and take him to an oasis. By the motto of "Hakuna Matata" it means no worries, Timon and Pumba take care of him till he become a great big lion. After awhile, by accident Nala found him. She try to get Simba to come back to the Pride Land and take down Scar but he refused. Not after he met and old baboon, Rafiki who help Simba to the right path. 

He returned to the Prime Rock and confront Scar. Scar was backed up by a pack of hyena but they are outnumbered by the lioness. At some point, Simba and Scar are battling and Scar stunned him because he said that he killed Mufasa. Furiously Simba get back up and attacked Scar with no mercy. When Simba won the duel, Simba ordered Scar to never step his paws on the Pride land, Scar said that was the hyenas plan to get rid of Mufasa. Simba throw him at the pack of hyena as they heard what Scar said about them. Scar was killed by the hyenas 


if you refer to Wikipedia, it says that syllogism also known as conclusion. but from what i know, it is how the Roman used to speak. for example : - 


" Caesar was an ambitious man;No ambitious man shares their wealth with others;Caesar shared spoil of wars with the Roman citizen;Therefore, Caesar was not ambitious" 


Movie Screening : Pursuit of Happyness

A story about a man who struggle his way to survive each day of his life without any money in his pocket and try to feed and give a shelter for his son. in many ways and place he had to go and to sleep just to make sure he and his can survive each day without any threat with would take his son away.


From what I've learnt, Satire/Parody; the use of wit, especially irony, sarcasm and ridicule to criticize a particular subject as depicted in the literally word, play or film. it means that, satire included everything and being express in various ways.

Example of Harry Potter parody



Example of Irony

is used to express the opposite of a particular subject of the literal meaning a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea. as from what i have learnt, Irony is a consistency between what might be expected to happen and what actually happens. Especially, when this differences seems absurd or laughable. it means that, irony is something that we are try to do and what we really gonna do.

Euphemistic & Dysphemistic Language

Euphemistic as what is says in the Reading book for CL, a milder or more positive expression used to replace a negative or unpleasant. it means that, we change a particular word to be more pleasant to the human ear.  for example we change the word "stupid" to "mentally challenge" or "fat" to "overweight"  

Dysphemistic; replacing a neutral or positive expression with a negative unpleasant one. it is the opposite of Euphemistic. Change a particular harsh word to a very irritating one. For example you change the "black people" to "negro" or "prostitute" to "whore" or "bitch". 

Critical Thinking

A decision making process that carefully considering a problem, claim, situation or question. Critical Thinking will take time to come out with a very good outcome, we need to apply all the aspect that related to a particular issue, evaluate the evidence and try to imagining yourself different type of scenarios, then you will get a most acceptable outcome. We think critically most of the time , it can be use in all kind of situation. it is so important, it can help you determine:

- to solve a problem

- accept or reject a claim

- answer a question

- handle a situation 

to sum it all, critical thinking is important as it bring out the best of everything when you think carefully... it helps to make a wiser and clear decision.